Sunday 28 March 2010

I Shall Believe

At this moment, I have nothing but my beliefs. I believe in myself, my values and my ideas. I crave for others to believe in them, but I am ready to be patient. After all, everyone holds their beliefs closer to them. My work, my ideas, may have been falling on ears that refuse to listen to new ways of doing things, but I have not given up. Not yet. If someone thinks my idea is bad, that's okay with me. The world doesn't end. One just has to keep looking for the right person. I refuse to believe that out of 6 billion+ people, not a single head would see some merit in my ideas.

On a tangent, someone close criticized me for not being a good planner. I think I am an optimist, but I do not want to think too much about tomorrow. And you know what? Future is relative. So, that criticism is anyway invalid. I plan and I do think about my future. Not as far as some people would do, but I think about the next second, next hour, tomorrow. That's my future. I can't think months ahead from now. I am neither incapable nor afraid. However, I think it steals away my present. 

So I am optimistic, but I can't/don't want to start thinking and strategize about how and when to do certain things, so that one year from now I reach someplace. That's not me. It's an absolute cliche but I want to live in the moment and enjoy everything, planned or unplanned.

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