Sunday 11 April 2010

Something I Can Never Have

Mom and Dad have gone so far apart. If I'm granted one wish, I'll wish for one more day with them together. If not for anything, just for the old time's sake.

Saturday 10 April 2010

Where Does The Truth Lie?

One thing I do not get is the reason behind lying. Never understood it, never will. As a kid, I lied to the dozen...left, right, centre. I was a compulsive liar. Lying seemed so much easier than telling the truth. Only till the moment to clean up the mess that my lies had created arrived. Lies quickly gain a life of their own, creating clones and mutants which are a waste of time. Thankfully, I realized sometime in my late teens that truth can be agonizing and painful, especially if it lands you in a spot, but people are much more appreciative of honesty than I thought. So there can be momentary screaming, shouting (sometimes clawing and slapping, if you are in a relationship), but it all goes away. And whatever the truth maybe, one thing the recipient can never question is your honesty. Which to me is like my second skin. Call me anything, but if you call me dishonest, I would transform into a raging maniac.

So after I redeemed myself and practised the art of  truth-telling over few years, I became more and more interested in myself (of past) and many others (of past and present) who think lying is a blessing in disguise. I won't be judgemental, but if someone catches you lying, you are probably lucky. Coz if you go uncaught, what's happening is someone trusted you, and you went bloody scot-free with their trust and used it to your advantage. How can any conscientious person live with that?

Why does one lie? Can it be so demanding and difficult to be yourself than to pretend about things, qualities, stuff you are not and who you think you should be? If it's that, then I guess the problem lies within us, that we can't reach the heightened expectations people and we have from ourselves. That they want us to be something different, something better, nicer and by lying, we agree with them that we are not what we should be. Now, if that's true, the easiest thing is to be better! Instead of spending hours plotting and planning how to counter and maintain the lies, let's just become better, smarter, more accomplished, reach a state of perfection, where we don't have to lie anymore. Easier said than done, but just easier in the end.

Well, till folks around you get it, I guess one will have to deal with lies and liars. It's disturbing, and in rare cases, the lies penetrate even the most thick-skinned like me, and it hurts. You mentally reprimand yourself for trusting someone who probably didn't deserve it. Bad ones lie coz they don't care. Good ones lie coz they probably care too much. And stupid ones like me fall for the lies. All the time.

Seriously, truth does not lie anywhere. Truth is simple. Truth just is.